Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Cherating Vacation 2011

It's a brand new year
.... I can't believe how the time flies by...
had been very good. A numbers of my to do item have been crossed from my list.... boooyaaaaaaaaaahhh.

Spent the end of 2012 with the people that meant the most to me... my family.
We went to Cherating after the Christmas holidays and spent a couple of days at Legend Cherating hotel. Not really impressed with the hotel though but since we used my sister's free voucher cant really complaint much. It was the monsoon season so the weather was a bit gloomy and the wave was rough so it was a bit disappointing for the kids and they cant go swimming.

As usual when my family get together, food will be the center of the activities. From gulai tempoyak to noodle was all prepared using our rice cooker by my sister eda(the cook of the family).

My job was to bully my nieces and nephews as evident in the picture below.


One of my favorite pic... of a father and son.








Happy new year everyone.
I will make sure to blog more often in 2012.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Juadah Berbuka puasa

Pakcik memang dah jemu beli juadah berbukepuase kat bazar Ramadan. Belom seminggu puase dah bosan.
Ape tidaknye, Makanan semua nampak same aje dan rasenye tak tentu sedap ke tidak.... tapi kalau tak sempat tu terpakselah jugak kan.
Udah lah tu, berjuta orang kat bazar, semua berebut... memang i dont loike...
Semperne hujung minggu, sempat lah jugak pakcik masak ape yang patot untuk berbuke...
Selamat Menjalankan Ibadah puasa everyone.

Makan telur masin dengan nasi berbuka memang sedap.

Pakcik Teringat Ibu pakcik lalu pakcik buatlah kerabu untok berbuka. Mak pakcik memang suka makan kerabu kalau takde selera.... tak pon gulai lemak ikan masin...

Sup Udang.... Teringat pulak mee udang Kuala Sepetang.
Kapripap segera, senang dan pantas. Kadang2 lebih sedap dari di bazar.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Selamat Pengantin Baru Haida

Went to Haida'S Wedding last weekend. Selamat Pengantin Baru Haida.
Was looking around to find old uni mates but tak jumpa tapi get to see Anis.
It has been ages since i've seen Anis. She havent change a bit.
Lepak almost for 2 hours. Memang lah kenyang asyik makan nasi beriani & nasi minyak that will last me until my next craving...
Thanks Haida for the invitation and Selamat Pengantin Baru.